It originally aired on cartoon network on october 15, 2012. The best adventure time episodes a list of 39 titles created 07 mar 2014 adventure time. That must be so confusing for a little girl and i know you re going to need me here with you but i m losing. The war crippled and eventually resulted in the nearannihilation of the human species and left their civilization in ruins throughout the land of ooo. The episode was written and storyboarded by cole sanchez and rebecca sugar, from a story by patrick mchale, kent osborne, and pendleton ward. This week, tim hwang and darby smith debuted their adventure time forum, the selfprofessed leading journal of adventure time research, commentary, and analysis. I remember you episode screencap 4x25 adventure time. I remember you transcript season 4, episode 25 production code. Ice king and marceline create a song, and marceline tries to get the ice king to remember who he really is. As i read about the description of the episode, i had a feeling that marceline was betty before she became a vampire, but then i remembered that she was a vampire as a child. Finn and jake live in the postapocalyptic land of ooo. I remember youtranscript adventure time wiki fandom. Bringing you another adventure time slow jam, its marceline and ice king with i remember you. It is the one hundred and eightysixth episode overall.
However, starting with the early sixthseason episode breezy, the show began to shift both its timeslot and its day of airing. Adventure time i remember you tv episode 2012 on imdb. I remember you is the twentyfifth and penultimate episode of the fourth season of the american animated television series adventure time. This episode begins with ice king singing the fry song to gunter with a wig on his head resembling marcelines hair. This episode changed the way i looked at adventure time. Time to remember is a benchmark in documentarymaking. Ice king journeys to marcelines house so she can help him write a song, but memories begin to flow when marceline reads part of his journal. Well that guys back from his expedition in the hindu kush or wherever. Please tag your post if it includes a spoiler from the show or comic. Adventure time is a cartoon network show about a boy named finn and his.
Adventure time every episode ever season 5 part 2 cartoon network by. You have to extend this whole world back into the past and every thats. The hard easy, reign of gunters, i remember you and the lich. Watch tv show adventure time season 4 episode 25 i remember you online for free in hdhigh quality. Oct 15, 2012 i remember you is the twentyfifth episode in the fourth season of adventure time.
The best adventure time episodes a list of 39 titles created 07 mar 2014 episodes ive watched. Sing along if you know the words, ice king and marceline singing i remember you. The series follows the adventures of finn voiced by jeremy shada, a human boy, and his best friend and adoptive brother jake john dimaggio, a dog with magical powers to change shape and grow and shrink at will. I remember you is the twentyfifth episode in the fourth season of adventure time. Adventure time episode triggered waterworks like i remember you. For the first five seasons, the show aired on monday nights. Songs that give you the feels adventure time cartoon network by cartoon network. Some small side character you thought was interesting comes back out of nowhere, which brings us to king worm. Season 4 episode 25 i remember you get cheap games here. Remember you is a song written by rebecca sugar that ice king and marceline sing in i. Subscribe to the cartoon network uk youtube channel. Finn a 12year old boy and jake a wise 28yearold dog with magical powers, and the surreal adventures undertaken by the duo as they traverse the mystical land of ooo. Adventure times success that can really be applied to this episode in particular.
Go to the cn app where you can find new unlocked episodes updated every week. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It is the one hundred and thirtyeighth episode overall. Keep any and all nonofficial links to episodes and comics of adventure time off of the subreddit do not ask for, nor give such links. Adventure time is an american animated television series created by pendleton ward for cartoon network. Our players are mobile html5 friendly, responsive with chromecast support. When it was first given to marceline, as shown in the flashback in the episode i remember you, it was red, had two blue buttons for eyes, and a stitched smile. Adventure time princess bubblegum and marcelines best moments cartoon network duration. This includes site names, and links to other parts of the site. Explore funny clips, fun facts and trivia about your favourite kingdoms and characters from the land of ooo. Ice king and marceline are two of this shows most tragic characters, and this episode brings them together in a way that hits like a sledgehammer, resulting in an incredibly poignant tale of friendships lost. Without those pictures and notes, she never would have had any idea he ever remembered her. Adventure time takes such care and time to create such a great array of characters that, when they can, theyll splash episodes in here and there to tie in characters they havent used in awhile. I remember you is the 25th episode of season 4 and the 103rd of adventure time.
Feb 17, 2014 season 4 episode 25 i remember you get cheap games here. Top 10 adventure time episodes of all time duration. Adventure time season 4 episode 25 i remember you watch. Whats a good website to watch full hd episodes of adventure.
Adventure time i remember you tv episode 2012 imdb. I watched this episode when i was like 10 and i still thought wow this is a lot granted i couldnt qualify the feeling back then but in hindsight it was definitely the feeling youre describing, when a show really exceeds your expectations and starts meaning something a lot greater. You will watch adventure time season 4 episode 25 online for free episodes with hq high quality. I remember you, an adventure time with finn and jake. Jake, a wise old dog with a big kind heart, and finn, a silly kid who wants more than anything else to become a great hero. Never has an adventure time episode triggered waterworks like i remember you, an ice kingmarceline tearjerker that is one of the most touching stories this series has ever told. Adventure time i remember you tv episode 2012 quotes. You will not be allowed to post for the first 7 days of the creation of an account. For an awesome exclusive special feature about the music from adventure time, grab the adventure. The first episode where the ice king and marcelines backstory is dealt with.
Nov 03, 2015 welcome to the official cartoon network uk youtube channel, the place where you can watch funny videos, clips with theme tunes and songs and interactive game plays from adventure time, the amazing. The best adventure time episodes a list of 39 titles created 07 mar 2014 best adventure time episodes a list of 22 titles created 04 jan 2015. A stuffed toy of hambo was made available by jazzwares as part of their adventure time line of plushes. The ice king and marceline bond over song and memories. Adventure time super fans wiki is a fandom tv community. Marceline, is it just you and me in the wreckage of the world. This episode brings so much depth and emotion to the audiences hearts.
Adventure time is wonderfully disturbing by jessica aurelia. It looks like we dont have any quotes for this title yet. When finn starts sleepwalking and dreaming about the green ghost lady he filed away in his memory vault at the end of the creeps, jake and bmo help him tap into his repressed memories to uncover a secret past. May 06, 20 apenas uma pagina marceline i remember you 4. Adventure time i remember you tv episode 2012 release. Adventure time s 4 e 25 i remember you recap tv tropes. This episode reveals that marceline and the ice king knew each other during the atomic war that occurred a thousand years previous. Adventure time episode 208 series finale reaction by jack of all trades. Adventure time, originally titled adventure time with finn and jake, follows two best friends. Cole sanchez rebecca sugar this article is a transcript of the adventure time episode i remember you from season 4, which aired on october 15, 2012. Adventure time features various songs throughout the show, as a theatrical element or simply woven into the regular narrative. Ice king visits marceline to ask for help in creating a song to attract princesses, but marceline struggles to deal emotionally with his presence. The redirect video for my blind commentary reaction to episodes 101104 of adventure time.
Adventure time i remember you cartoon network youtube. Subreddit dedicated to cartoon networks hit show, adventure time. Adventure time im just your problem cartoon network. Check it out, its our brand new, algebraic, adventure time official youtube channel. Stream cartoons adventure time episode 94 ice king and marceline create a song, and marceline tries to. I ve been wanting to watch all of adventure time but i cant seem to find a good website. I remember you is a disquieting exploration of a painful relationship, and a. A look at political and social life in europe and beyond during 1924. Originally produced in the 1950s and 1960s, it touches on all aspects of life in the first half of the 20th century using british pathes unique blend of political, social, and cultural history. One recent example is adventure times season four episode i remember you. I remember you adventure time super fans wiki fandom. The episode later reaired on march 25, 20, together with.
Links of this nature will be removed and the poster will receive a warning. You can use your mobile device without any trouble. Every other time was probably the same old song of her trying to get him to remember and him not having it. The exploits of a boy and his magical dog are chronicled in this cartoon set in the surreal land of ooo.
Marceline reluctantly hangs out with the ice king and helps him write a song. For hundreds of years, shes had to push away the only friend she had in the ravaged world, because he didnt even know who she was. The mushroom war usually referred to as the great mushroom war was an apocalyptic event that occurred roughly a thousand years before adventure time. That must be so confusing for a little girl and i know you re going to need me here with you but im losing. Adventure time s04e25 i remember you video dailymotion.
Aug 23, 2018 a look at the role music has played in adding emotional and narrative depth to adventure time episodes throughout its run, breaking out some key songs. Stream cartoons adventure time episode 94 ice king and marceline create a song, and marceline tries to get the ice king to remember who he really is. However, i dont think it is the goat of adventure time but thats no fault of its own. An orphaned cookie finds himself driven to a life of crime after learning. I remember you adventure time season 4 dvd cartoon. What really got me in that episode was just how clueless and benign ik was. Spoilers in titles are frowned upon, but are allowed a week after an episode airs. Everything we know about jared padaleckis walker, texas ranger reboot. Aug 31, 2018 adventure time rarely shied away from critiquing the rules and norms of ooo, nowhere more so than in this episode. Episodes where marceline has had the main focus of the a or b plot in the story. Adventure time i remember you tv episode 2012 plot. You re so annoying, you pitiful, old man i d like to help you, but i dont know if i can i thought you were nuts but you re really, really, really nuts every time i move. The diary is the thirtieth episode in the sixth season of adventure time. Adventure time simon and marcys origins story cartoon.
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